Intuition is our spiritual GPS and the single best tool that we have to navigate our lives. Join intuitive counselor, Victoria Shaw, PhD, LPC, to learn how to connect with your intuition and awaken the gifts of your soul. In each episode, Dr. Shaw draws on her intuitive gifts as well as her formal training in psychology and counseling to tap into the deeper wisdom of life and supports listeners in reaching their highest personal and spiritual potentials.
Latest Podcast
EP 230: How Do I Know if He’s the One? A Reading with Amanda
Amanda came for a reading seeking clarity about a man who has resurfaced in her life—wondering if he might be 'the one'. Together, we explored the influence of her childhood experiences on her current relationship patterns, uncovering how her instinct to 'know better' may be a form of...
Recent Podcasts
EP 117: Am I Ready to Start Dating Again? A Reading with Hanna
The goal of a good intuitive reading is to get you out of your head, and reconnect with your own divine wisdom. In this Episode, single mom Hanna came looking for some guidance around...
EP 116: Communicating with Your Spirit Guides
We all have a spiritual support team of guides, angels and loved ones that assist us in a myriad of ways from beyond the veil. In this episode, we explore how our guides are able to bridge the gap...
EP 115: Living in Joy featuring Lisa McCourt
Joy is your birthright and the natural state of your soul. Yet, so many of us struggle to find and maintain the vibration of joy throughout our daily lives. In this episode, we welcome...
EP 114: Intuitive Eating Revisited
Our culture bombards us with messages of how we should and shouldn’t look, and what we should and shouldn’t eat. There are so many rules (many of which are constantly changing) about what is...
EP 113: Overcoming Our Money Blocks: A Reading with Rachel
Money is such a hot button issue for so many people. We worry about not having enough, or spending too much. We focus on acquiring money and possessions, rather than on aligning with the...
EP 112: Thriving through a Dark Night of the Soul featuring Mark Youngblood
We all experience periods in our lives of great upheaval, where the structures, people and/or beliefs that we may have relied on in the past, all seem to be falling apart. While these periods...
EP 111: Spiritual Teachings and the Mind
If you are drawn to this show, you are probably fascinated by all things spiritual, and hungry to learn whatever you can that will help support your own spiritual development. In this episode,...
EP 110: Finding Your True Purpose featuring LaRue Eppler
Hosting this podcast is so much fun! I get to meet so many talented, soulful and inspiring peeps. In this episode, I connected with the amazing, LaRue Eppler, to discuss the power...
EP 109: The Difference between Catharsis and Complaining
Catharsis is the process of releasing strong, or repressed emotions by bearing witness. Catharsis is an important part of traditional psychotherapy, dating back to the work of Sigmond Freud. ...