If you’ve found this page you are in the midst of a great transformation.
You may have a vague sense that there is more to life than the superficial pains and struggles that you have been experienced.
You want to get to the greater core of who you really are and why you are here, so that you can live a more joyful and deeply fulfilling life.
You continue to struggle with old issues from the past that you can’t seem to shake.
You experience unexplained bouts of anger, sadness and/or fear that traditional psychotherapy has not fully addressed.
You want to understand yourself better and live with a deeper sense of purpose and intention.
You struggle to match your inner magnificence to your outer reality and environment, and want to remove blocks to manifesting and experiencing all that your divine heart desires.
You struggle with self-worth, self-esteem and a sense that you are enough just as you are.
You would like to make peace with yourself and the process of life.
You LOVE learning more about yourself, the process of life, and the many wonders of the universe.
Spiritual Awakening
My Story
I feel like I have lived two different lives. The one before I awakened to my intuition and the joyful, exciting and fulfilling life I am so gratefully living now. Before my own personal awakening, I often felt lost, overwhelmed, sad, frustrated and lacking a clear direction or purpose. I had difficulty trusting myself and relying on my own internal resources. While my life looked good on paper – ivy league education, published author, two beautiful children – I lived in a near constant state of stress and anxiety, not fully recognizing that anything was amiss because I was so used to living that way!
We often make our biggest spiritual leaps in response to extreme pressures and difficulties of life. A chronic illness. A crumbling marriage. The loss of a loved one. The tipping point for me was when my children started to struggle, and I realized that my unresolved personal issues were getting it the way of my being the kind of supportive and effective parent that my soul so deeply longed to be for them. For me, learning to connect with my inner wisdom meant working through the layers of sadness and grief I had accumulated based on my own not so perfect childhood. It involved healing and accepting the parts of myself that were still hurting, as well as questioning many of the “truths” I had been taught over the years and letting go of the beliefs and expectations of others so that I could learn to embrace the wisdom of my own heart. This work wasn’t always easy, but it was truly transformational. The deeper I was willing to dig into the muck of unconsciousness the easier it was to see the beautiful light that shown beneath, and the more I was able to connect with my true, spiritual self.

By surrendering to and bearing witness to our pain, we transform ourselves and our lives.
Once I made the commitment to my own spiritual growth and development everything changed. People, books, teachings and opportunities appeared at just the right moments. The path unfolded in front of me, and with each step forward I gained a greater sense of wisdom and clarity. The more my intuitive gifts developed, the more sure I became that it was my destiny to use what I had learned to share and be of service to others.
In my work I draw upon what I have learned through my own spiritual journey to assist others in awakening their own spiritual hearts.
As I progressed with my own healing work, my intuitive abilities blossomed. I realized that I had always had these gifts, but I was so overwhelmed with my life that I did not know how to consistently use them. I discovered that I had the ability to read people and that I could know things about them that I had no logical way of knowing. I could immediately see the issues and patterns that were blocking people in their own lives and receive spiritual guidance on the best ways of moving forward. I also began receiving information about people’s current issues and struggles relating to their soul plan, the plan your spirit makes for each life before you incarnate. I developed the ability to “move energy,” and began practicing energy healing techniques to assist clients in transmuting the pains and wounds of life and raising their energetic vibration to allow them to connect even more with their own spiritual resources.
My professional training began many years ago when I earned my PhD in Cognitive Psychology at Princeton University, and completed my postdoctoral training in Educational and Developmental Psychology at Columbia University Teachers College. Later, When I felt called to pursue my clinical training, I received my Masters of Counseling from Fairfield University. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified School Counselor in the State of Connecticut. I am also the author of four books, for tweens, teens and adults and the mother of two spirited (now adult) children.

Now it’s your turn
One of my greatest joys is to help my clients deepen their own connection with their intuitive knowing. Your soul speaks to you in your own special language. This is different for everyone, because we are all inescapably unique. Together, we learn to decode the language of your soul and help you enhance this great channel of communication. Sometimes that means raising your vibration and aligning to your highest guidance. Other times that means tuning in, really deeply, the cries of our own humanity, identifying any places that still hurt, and learning to sooth and transform that pain.
Clients come to me at various stages of their own spiritual awakening. Some may have just a vague sense that there is something more to life than their day-to-day struggles, something that their spirits are calling them to do. Others already have a strong spiritual awareness but are still learning how to fully integrate that knowing into their reality of their daily lives. Many of my clients come to me because they are struggling, feeling lost and overwhelmed by anger, fear, sadness and grief. Their lives feel as if they are crumbling around them. Relationships, careers, health may all be shifting and they need support in finding meaning and navigating the rivers of change.
Connecting with your intuition can help you find the meaning in these struggles. It can guide you in healing the hurts keeping you feeling stuck and alone. It can connect you with your greatest wisdom, power and truth, and illuminate and enrich every aspect of your life.
Connecting with my intuitive awareness has changed every aspect of my life and the way I experience it in a positive way, and allows me to tap into my best and brightest self. This can become a reality for you too.