EP 218: Finding Your Freedom

EP 218: Finding Your Freedom

Do you ever wonder what the United States' founding fathers were thinking when laying the foundation for this great Nation?  Or, what would they feel about the current state of the USA? ...

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EP 213: Finding Your Voice

EP 213: Finding Your Voice

Jen spent years building her career, achieving success that enabled her to retire at 35.  Now she wonders if she has what it takes to share her wisdom with the world.  In this episode, Jen...

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EP 212: From Scarcity to Prosperity

EP 212: From Scarcity to Prosperity

Do you ever get stuck in a scarcity mindset? The belief that money, friends, and material goods are a limited resource that you must use and enjoy sparingly?  In this episode, I share my...

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EP 197: How To Be Happy

EP 197: How To Be Happy

Teachings on living joyously make it sound so easy, and it really can be!  The trick is to allow our own joyous nature to shine through, rather than “trying” to be happy.  Toxic positivity arises...

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EP 193: Following the Flow

EP 193: Following the Flow

Are you pushing the river of life?  One of the most reliable ways to lead a joyful and fulfilling life is to learn to go with the flow.  Letting go of the need to control can feel scary at first,...

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EP 192: Living The Law Of Attraction

EP 192: Living The Law Of Attraction

When we think about the Law of Attraction, we often think about things we can do like vision boards, visualization techniques, and affirmations. But the Law of Attraction is more than a set of tools...

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September 26 to 29: Awaken Your Intuition at Cactus Blossom Retreat Book Now
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