EP 211: Lessons From A Near-Death Experience with Rev. Uki MacIsaac

May 13, 2024

Have you ever wondered what happens when you die? In this episode, I welcome my friend and colleague, Rev Uki MacIsaac who shares about how a life-threatening illness in her 30’s, and then a near-death experience later in life launched her on her spiritual path and connected her with her soul’s mission and purpose.  During this fascinating conversation, Uki shares her profound experiences while comatose and how not all NDEs are wholly positive and pleasant.  She also shares how she experiences her intuitive gifts and connects with her spiritual support team.  

To learn more about Uki:


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Are you ready to take the next steps in awakening your intuition?  Please enjoy and download a copy of my Free Activate Your Intuition Ebook: https://victoriashawintuitive.com/free-e-book/

If you would like to take a deeper dive into leveraging the power of your intuition, please check out my self-paced, online course, Activating Your Intuition at:


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