Years ago I took a course as part of my masters program that was all about shamanism. At the time I was somewhat surprised to discover that the use of hallucinogenic plants was a big part of...
EP 127: Following Life’s Nudges and Edits
We often think of our intuition as a voice in our head, guiding us in the proper direction. But our true spiritual guidance system is far broader than that. In fact, life itself can be...
EP 126: Finding Mr. Right: A Reading with Erin
In this episode, our guest Erin joins us for a reading. Erin is looking to find her “Mr. Right.” She longs to open her heart and enter a partnership, but she also fears becoming...
EP 125: Bypassing Analysis Paralysis
In this week’s episode of the Intuitive Connection Podcast, Bypassing Analysis Paralysis, I share my personal experiences with overthinking and some guidance on how to avoid Analysis Paralysis when...
EP 124: Mind Your Thoughts featuring Chris Niebauer
In this episode, we welcome back neuropsychologist Chris Niebauer to continue our conversation on how you can harness the power of your brain and avoid getting lost in your thoughts. Chris shares...
EP 123: Are You Doing the Trigger Dance?
You know those moments where someone says or does something, and you immediately feel yourself taken out of a state of ease, flow and grace? Maybe someone cuts you off in traffic or a family member...
EP 122: Navigating Life at a Crossroads: A Reading with Sofia
One of the beautiful parts about life is the infinite number of possibilities and paths we can take. The guest of today’s reading, Sofia, is facing a crossroads and is seeking guidance on how...
EP 121: Loving the Voice In Your Head
We all have a voice in our heads that criticizes, complains, steals our joy, and if we are not careful, can take over our lives. In this episode, we discuss how to have a loving relationship with...
EP 120: From Psychologist to Psychic with Not Your Average Psychic
Rachelle and Saskia are two clinically trained psychologists who awakened their psychic gifts and founded their healing collective, Not Your Average Psychic. In this episode, they share their...
EP 119: How to Read Oracle Cards
Tarot, oracle and positive affirmation decks are a wildly popular and helpful tool to assist us in connecting with our intuition. In this episode, I share my personal experience using oracle cards...
EP 118: My Story: How I Awakened My Intuition and Stepped Into My Greater Purpose
This podcast brings me so much joy, but sometimes what feels missing is YOU and your engagement and interaction alongside me. That’s why I love hearing from listeners and having the opportunity to...
EP 117: Am I Ready to Start Dating Again? A Reading with Hanna
The goal of a good intuitive reading is to get you out of your head, and reconnect with your own divine wisdom. In this Episode, single mom Hanna came looking for some guidance around...
EP 116: Communicating with Your Spirit Guides
We all have a spiritual support team of guides, angels and loved ones that assist us in a myriad of ways from beyond the veil. In this episode, we explore how our guides are able to bridge the gap...
EP 115: Living in Joy featuring Lisa McCourt
Joy is your birthright and the natural state of your soul. Yet, so many of us struggle to find and maintain the vibration of joy throughout our daily lives. In this episode, we welcome...
EP 114: Intuitive Eating Revisited
Our culture bombards us with messages of how we should and shouldn’t look, and what we should and shouldn’t eat. There are so many rules (many of which are constantly changing) about what is...
EP 113: Overcoming Our Money Blocks: A Reading with Rachel
Money is such a hot button issue for so many people. We worry about not having enough, or spending too much. We focus on acquiring money and possessions, rather than on aligning with the...
EP 112: Thriving through a Dark Night of the Soul featuring Mark Youngblood
We all experience periods in our lives of great upheaval, where the structures, people and/or beliefs that we may have relied on in the past, all seem to be falling apart. While these periods...
EP 111: Spiritual Teachings and the Mind
If you are drawn to this show, you are probably fascinated by all things spiritual, and hungry to learn whatever you can that will help support your own spiritual development. In this episode,...
EP 110: Finding Your True Purpose featuring LaRue Eppler
Hosting this podcast is so much fun! I get to meet so many talented, soulful and inspiring peeps. In this episode, I connected with the amazing, LaRue Eppler, to discuss the power...
EP 109: The Difference between Catharsis and Complaining
Catharsis is the process of releasing strong, or repressed emotions by bearing witness. Catharsis is an important part of traditional psychotherapy, dating back to the work of Sigmond Freud. ...
EP 108: Self-Confidence: A Chat with the Guides
I love going for walk and talk “sessions” with my guides. I pose a question, put on my headset, hit record and wait to see what guidance comes through. I thought I would try...
EP 107: Demystifying Astrology featuring Kathy Rose
For years, I have been totally fascinated by astrology. In fact, the impetus for much of the work I do today was inspired by information I received during a life-changing astrology...
EP 106: Life Is Your Mirror
The Law of Attraction teaches us that everything is energy, and that we attract into our lives that which matches our current vibration. When understood in this way, our life becomes a mirror...
EP 105: Navigating Change – A Reading with Martine
I just love doing intuitive readings on the show. It’s a great opportunity to share what I do and give listeners a chance to learn from each other’s stories. This week’s guest came in...
EP 104: Freedom from Overwhelm featuring Glenda Lane
We live in a world that emphasizes doing and achieving above all else and promises happiness only when we have worked hard enough to earn it. The result for many of us is burnout. That...
EP 103: Exploring the Difference Between Empathy and Sympathy
Seeing others in pain can naturally bring out our desire to soothe and to care for them. In this episode, we explore the difference between empathy and sympathy and how we can support others...
EP 102: Being at Peace When Others Are in Pain
So many people have been writing to me as of late wanting to know how to stay OK, when the world is filled with so much suffering. With the roller coaster ride of the past two years, many of...
EP 101: The Magic of Emotion Code featuring Rebecca Packard
Have you ever heard the expression, “the issues are in the tissues?” In this episode, we explore how our emotions can become stuck on our bodies and get in the way of our optimal well being. ...
EP 100: Living of Love
This episode is all about celebration! Celebrating our 100th episode and celebrating the magic of life. The topic was inspired by one of my favorite songs, Living of Love, by the Avett...
EP 99: Releasing the Fear of Life
I just LOVE hearing from our listeners. This week’s topic was inspired by a question I received about spiritual surrender. Oftentimes when we hear the word “surrender” we think of...