EP 125: Bypassing Analysis Paralysis

EP 125: Bypassing Analysis Paralysis

In this week’s episode of the Intuitive Connection Podcast, Bypassing Analysis Paralysis, I share my personal experiences with overthinking and some guidance on how to avoid Analysis Paralysis when...

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EP 123: Are You Doing the Trigger Dance?

EP 123: Are You Doing the Trigger Dance?

You know those moments where someone says or does something, and you immediately feel yourself taken out of a state of ease, flow and grace? Maybe someone cuts you off in traffic or a family member...

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EP 121: Loving the Voice In Your Head

EP 121: Loving the Voice In Your Head

We all have a voice in our heads that criticizes, complains, steals our joy, and if we are not careful, can take over our lives. In this episode, we discuss how to have a loving relationship with...

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EP 119: How to Read Oracle Cards

EP 119: How to Read Oracle Cards

Tarot, oracle and positive affirmation decks are a wildly popular and helpful tool to assist us in connecting with our intuition. In this episode, I share my personal experience using oracle cards...

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EP 114: Intuitive Eating Revisited

EP 114: Intuitive Eating Revisited

Our culture bombards us with messages of how we should and shouldn’t look, and what we should and shouldn’t eat.  There are so many rules (many of which are constantly changing) about what is...

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EP 111: Spiritual Teachings and the Mind

EP 111: Spiritual Teachings and the Mind

If you are drawn to this show, you are probably fascinated by all things spiritual, and hungry to learn whatever you can that will help support your own spiritual development.  In this episode,...

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EP 106: Life Is Your Mirror

EP 106: Life Is Your Mirror

The Law of Attraction teaches us that everything is energy, and that we attract into our lives that which matches our current vibration.   When understood in this way, our life becomes a mirror...

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EP 100: Living of Love

EP 100: Living of Love

This episode is all about celebration!  Celebrating our 100th episode and celebrating the magic of life.  The topic was inspired by one of my favorite songs, Living of Love, by the Avett...

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EP 99: Releasing the Fear of Life

EP 99: Releasing the Fear of Life

I just LOVE hearing from our listeners.  This week’s topic was inspired by a question I received about spiritual surrender.  Oftentimes when we hear the word “surrender” we think of...

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