Intuition is our spiritual GPS and the single best tool that we have to navigate our lives. Join intuitive counselor, Victoria Shaw, PhD, LPC, to learn how to connect with your intuition and awaken the gifts of your soul. In each episode, Dr. Shaw draws on her intuitive gifts as well as her formal training in psychology and counseling to tap into the deeper wisdom of life and supports listeners in reaching their highest personal and spiritual potentials.
Latest Podcast

EP 241: How to be Human
Being human is a profound honor and a sacred gift. Your soul chose to be here on Earth, deeply grateful for the richness of this experience. Yet, we often view the human journey as something to transcend, believing enlightenment lies in escaping our humanity. But what if the key to spiritual...
Recent Podcasts
EP 184: I Choose Me featuring Samantha Leah
In this episode I had the honor and joy of connecting with Samantha Leah. Samantha is a pop artist who uplifts and empowers her audience through music. Her lyrics encompass high vibe themes...
EP 183: Healing the Mother Wound: A Reading with Jo
Jo came seeking guidance on whether or not to re-establish a relationship with her mother after a decades-long separation. The guides shared heartfelt perspectives from her mother’s highest self,...
EP 182: The Choice is What You Make of It
I spent years stressing over all of my decisions–big or small, wanting to ensure that I was making the “right” choices. But what if there is no objective right or wrong? What if every...
EP 181: The Gift of Life Is in the Not Knowing
Intuition is not the same as omniscience. Nor would we want it to be. Our intuition is our guidance system for navigating through the unknown, but it will not and cannot provide all the...
EP 180: Finding My Purpose: A Reading with Avril
In this episode, our guest Avril joins us for an intuitive reading and is seeking guidance on the next steps towards finding her life’s purpose. Avril learns from the guides that life doesn’t...
EP 179: Intuition and The Brain Chris Niebauer
Intuition is our spiritual GPS…our direct line to the soul. But how does intuition connect with our physical being? And what is the relationship between intuition and the human brain? In...
EP 178: Tuning Into the Felt Sense featuring Lynda Samphire
There are many ways our intuition may speak to us, and no two people are alike in how they tune into their inner wisdom! Lynda Samphire joins me in this episode to explore the ways in which we can...
EP 177: Your True Colors Are Beautiful!
This episode is inspired by a post I saw online that said, “you know someone’s true character by how they respond when they don’t get what they want.” It got me thinking about how we often assume...
EP 176: Exploring the Akashic Records featuring Melanie Horton
In this episode, Melanie Horton joins us to discuss the Akashic Records, astrology, and how they beautifully intertwine when tuning into the energy of one’s soul. The Akashic Records are considered...