
Intuition is our spiritual GPS and the single best tool that we have to navigate our lives. Join intuitive counselor, Victoria Shaw, PhD, LPC, to learn how to connect with your intuition and awaken the gifts of your soul. In each episode, Dr. Shaw draws on her intuitive gifts as well as her formal training in psychology and counseling to tap into the deeper wisdom of life and supports listeners in reaching their highest personal and spiritual potentials.

Latest Podcast

EP 241: How to be Human

EP 241: How to be Human

Being human is a profound honor and a sacred gift. Your soul chose to be here on Earth, deeply grateful for the richness of this experience. Yet, we often view the human journey as something to transcend, believing enlightenment lies in escaping our humanity. But what if the key to spiritual...

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Recent Podcasts

EP 177: Your True Colors Are Beautiful!

EP 177: Your True Colors Are Beautiful!

This episode is inspired by a post I saw online that said, “you know someone’s true character by how they respond when they don’t get what they want.” It got me thinking about how we often assume...

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