EP 27: The Healing Power of Water with Michelle Giliberto

Sep 8, 2020

Sometimes you meet someone, and you just know that there is something special about them.  That is how I felt when I first met this week’s guest, Michelle Giliberto.  Michelle is an intuitive healer, educator, artist, and the CEO of Healers Who Share. 

In this episode, Michelle shares about how she draws on her experience of reality creation, metaphysics, medical intuition, dowsing and frequency to assist people with transformation on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  You are in for a real treat!

Some highlights:

  • Michelle shares about her journey navigating her children’s chronic illnesses, and how this helped her to awaken her gifts as a medical intuitive. [2:00]
  • We discuss the value of raising our children with an understanding and openness to intuition.  Michelle tells us how her mother helped her to nurture her intuitive gifts as a child. [8:50]
  • Michelle shares about her company, Healers Who Share, and how they make “frequency waters” to clear physical, mental and emotional illnesses, and imbalances. [10:20]
  • We discuss the importance of exploring our subconscious belief systems in healing our bodies and improving our lives. 
  • Michelle shares how she uses frequency waters and theta healing to change beliefs in her client’s subconscious mind. [17:30]
  • We discuss the patterns that we experience in our lives and how life will keep showing what you need to work on until you finally get the memo. [20:00]
  • Michelle tells listeners that this is a great time in our collective history for people to wake up and realize how powerful they are! [24:58]

Resources & Links:

Interested in trying out Michell’s water or working with a healer at Healers Who Share? Go to https://healerswhoshare.com/

If you would like to connect with other like-minded souls & take a deeper dive into the topics discussed, please join us on in my new Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Intuitiveconnectioncommunity

Are you ready to leverage the power of your inner wisdom?

Check out, my self-paced, online course, Activating Your Intuition: https://victoriashawintuitive.com/courses/activating-your-intuition/

Want to learn more about my work, or suggest a topic for a future episode? Go to https://victoriashawintuitive.com

Jan 21 to Feb 25th: 6 week Intensive Intuition Development Course with Victoria Book Now
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