Our true purpose arises when we connect with our inner wisdom and align with our higher selves. -Victoria Shaw
In these chaotic times, many of us are asking ourselves one critical question: what is my purpose? This episode explores what it means to be of service in the world and how we can tap into our own inner wisdom and awaken to our own higher purpose. We also discuss some of the different ways souls are called onto this earth to serve others, and how service is always a choice and not the same thing as sacrifice.
- Your primary purpose, as a spirit in physical form, is to live your life with increased levels of joy and awareness and rediscover your own inner divinity while in human form.
- Your mind alone cannot give you information about your true purpose, because your mind is saddled with a lifetime of social conditioning that just tells you what you think should be your purpose.
- Your purpose can change throughout your lifespan: purpose is just what is true and right for you in the present moment.
- Purpose is not always something you do; rather, it is primarily a way of being. When we are aligned with our highest selves while in physical form, we are most deeply embodying our purpose.
- Purpose does not have to be a big thing. It can be very subtle. The barista at your favorite coffee bar can literally touch thousands of lives. You can also make a huge impact through a series of seemingly small gestures.
- Because we are all connected, when you work through your own life challenges, you pave the way for others facing similar struggles.
One of the best ways to align with your spirit is to awaken your intuition. Check out, my self-paced, online course, Activating Your Intuition, to learn how to tap into your own inner wisdom: https://victoriashawintuitive.com/courses/activating-your-intuition/
If you would like to connect with other like-minded souls, take a deeper dive into the topics discussed in these episodes, and learn more about how to awaken to your own inner magnificence please join us on in my new Facebook group: Intuitive Connection Community
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