EP14: Being vs. Doing

Jun 9, 2020

The pandemic that has swept across the globe and has kept many of us in our homes for almost three months, has also given us a unique opportunity to look inside – literally – and become more in tune with ourselves. 

This episode explores the delicate balance between being and doing, and how we can all benefit from powering down and becoming one with the present moment. We close with a brief mediation that you can practice anytime you would like to feel more grounded and present.

Key points:

  • Our society is very action-oriented and does not teach us about the power of presence.
  • Without the proper balance between being and doing, we might find that our actions feel driven and hollow, without deeper meaning.
  • Truly inspired action always comes from a place of being: the more we can still our bodies and minds, the more we can connect with our true spiritual essence and begin to act from a more divinely-inspired place.
  • Those of us who have experienced trauma can sometimes have more difficulty sitting with ourselves and our feelings and becoming more present. It is important to be kind and gentle with yourself and to know that learning to be more present is a process that should not be forced.
  • Meditation can be a great tool for cultivating presence; however, if we are not mindful, meditation can easily become just another thing that we believe we must master and accomplish. This can actually take us away from the intended purpose of meditating.

We end this episode with a brief meditation to help you connect with that pure state of being whenever you feel called to.

Episode Notes:

To learn more about the power of presence and how it helps us to connect with our inner wisdom, please check out my self-paced online course, Activating Your Intuition.

Want to learn more about my work or suggest a topic for a future episode?
Please visit me at www.victoriashawintuitive.com

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