EP 98: How to Have a Conversation with Your Higher Self

Feb 15, 2022

As humans we often get lost in the desire to fix the external world, not realizing that the true source of happiness and wellbeing resides within.   In this episode I share one of my favorite tools for getting out of our small minds and that egoic desire to control other people and the course of our lives through connecting with a higher wisdom and knowing.

Episode highlights: 

  • Sometimes life feels like it’s happening to us, not for us and we find ourselves in victim mode. Connecting with your higher self and the higher self of others can help snap you out of this limiting mindset.
  • When having a higher self conversation, it is always best to use your intuition, not your small mind, to determine what needs to be communicated. 
  • Having the higher self conversation saves us from wasting our time having conversations on the level of ego, which are much more likely to get misinterpreted and go awry. They also pave the way for more soulful face-to-face conversations down the line. 
  • Higher self to higher self conversations naturally access the higher planes of awareness where the magic happens.
  • All the wisdom you seek already exists within, it is simply a matter of rediscovering what you already know.   Connecting with your higher self can help you with that.
  • Dreams are the perfect place to connect with your higher self and those of others.  Just set the intention to connect before you go to sleep, and see what unfolds. 

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Are you ready to take the next steps in awakening your intuition?  Please enjoy and download a copy of my Free Activate Your Intuition Ebook: https://victoriashawintuitive.com/free-e-book/

If you would like to take a deeper dive into leveraging the power of your intuition, please check out my self-paced, online course, Activating Your Intuition at:


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