EP 79: How to Cut Energy Cords and release behavioral patterns

Sep 21, 2021

Everything is energy, including our patterns of behavior in relationships.  In this episode, we explore how and when it is possible to shift these energy patterns by “cutting cords” and releasing ourselves from “Soul Contracts.”  We also explore some common misconceptions about how energy healing works, and what to look for in an energy healing practitioner. 

Key takeaways:

** Energy healing works through intention.  When we align with the intention to heal and to grow in our relationships, we naturally shift our energy.  

**Cord cutting is an energetic way of setting an intention such as, ‘I am ready to let this person or situation go.’

**Energy healers can work with our energy,  but they cannot override our own deepest wishes, desires and beliefs. 

**You cannot release a relationship or behavior pattern until you have learned what you need to learn from the experience.   Cutting cords only works when you are truly ready to let go. 

**Wherever you are on your journey, you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

**You can’t solve a problem on the metaphysical level and skip the human part.

**True healing and growth always flows from within.

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On Clubhouse: @victoriashaw