EP 62: Intuition and Improv with Pam Victor

May 25, 2021

I often use improv as a metaphor for life.  Our souls plan the themes, main characters, pivotal events, and then it is up to us and our free will to work on the details impromptu.  This week’s guest, Pam Victor, turns this around by teaching us how to use improv to improve our lives.  

Pam is a professional improviser, a teacher and founder of Happier Valley Comedy, an author, and a happiness coach.  

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Pam shares her stories of becoming a professional improviser by following her intuition and going on a year-long journey and experiment to see if she could make a living doing what she loved. (2:00)
  • Following your intuition is about listening to the clues that pull you towards something that excites you.  Sometimes it means being scared and doing the things anyway. (5:00)
  • Improv is the gym for our soul by allowing us to get on stage and practice acceptance, paying attention, fighting the inner critic over and over and over again because we are all beginners. (11:00)
  • Pam shares how her purpose is to facilitate laughter, joy, and connections which she normally does through improv but 2020. She continued her mission by developing the Happiness Experiment to incorporate tiny daily habits for thirty days. (12:30)
  • How we use our intuition in our daily lives can show up differently for everyone.  Pam shares that she uses her intuition throughout the day to check in by asking  ‘what do I need at this moment and how can I be of service.’ (25:00)
  • Pam wants to encourage everyone to honor your YOU-ness, the thing that makes you you and your authentic voice. (30:00)

Pam Victor: https://www.happiervalley.com/

Jan 21 to Feb 25th: 6 week Intensive Intuition Development Course with Victoria Book Now
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