EP 58: Mastering Your Mind

Apr 20, 2021

Do you believe that you should master your mind?  So many new age and personal development teachings promote the idea that you should be in control of your thoughts.  But anyone who has ever sat for even a few minutes in meditation knows how crazy difficult this can be! 

In this episode we explore the deeper trues around the idea of mastering the mind, as well as some steps you can take to cultivate presence.

  • Mastering our minds is really about becoming present and having awareness of the contents of our minds.  It is not about controlling or suppressing our thoughts, but creating space between our awareness and the habitual chatter of the mind (1:00)
  • Thoughts are happening all of the time, including both high and low vibration ones. These thoughts are not who we are. Rather than trying to suppress or control our thoughts, we can learn to meet them with loving awareness. (3:00)
  • As we become more present, we can choose where to focus our energy and attention.  
  • Meditation is one way to help to cultivate presence and quiet the mind.  Other helpful practices include being in nature, repetitive exercise. (5:00)
  • The space between our thoughts is where intuition comes from.  This is the space where we connect with our true power, wisdom, and higher self. (10:00)
  • There are three steps you can take to make peace with your mind:  1. Recognize that you are not your thoughts; (2) Experience yourself as the awareness of space between thoughts; (3) Become more familiar with the landscape of our mind so you can recognize and gradually release habitual thought patterns. 
  • Over time we can gently and gradually learn to give our energy and attention only to that which raises your vibration and aligns with our highest and truest selves. (20:00)

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