EP 56: What’s Up With My Dreams? A Reading with Janalee

Apr 7, 2021

In this episode, our guest Janalee is seeking guidance about having very vivid dreams and waking feeling not well-rested. We learn that Janalee is a birth doula who feels that she is always on call during the day and cannot wind down during the night.  We discuss the importance of setting boundaries with both her clients and her intuitive guidance.  And how this will help her to use her intuitive gifts more intentionally and without becoming overwhelmed. 

  • Janalee shares that she has super vivid dreams every night, and she feels like she’s spending the whole night running instead of resting.  Although she considers these dreams to be a gift, she is feeling overwhelmed and exhausted (1:00)
  • I immediately picked up frenetic energy around Janalee and wondered if she is carrying that energy with her to sleep. We can look at our dreams for clues about what our dreams are mirroring in our lives. (2:40)
  • Janalee comments that she has a hard time turning off because she feels like she is always on call as a labor support doula.  This causes her to be in constant flight fight mode, and she can never calm down and catch a break.  
  • It appears that dreaming is a way that Janalee receives intuitive information for herself and for clients.  This is a gift she has had through many lifetimes.  The challenge for Janalee is to learn to work with this gift more intentionally and know when to power down to replenish. (5:00)
  • When developing one’s intuition, it is important to find the class or guidance that is the right fit for you.  Sometimes part of the intuition journey is actually learning to power down, slow down, calm down and get more intentional so you can really tune into the messages that need to come through and let the rest go. (15:00)
  • Being empathic is also a gift that is often misunderstood, and one needs to learn how to work with it.  The key with this gift is learning to set energetic boundaries and understanding that just because we can feel it doesn’t mean it’s our job to heal it. (20:00)

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On Clubhouse: @victoriashaw

Book suggestions:

The Empath’s Survival Guide by Judith Orloff, MD

Conscious Dreaming: A Spiritual Path for Everyday Life by Robert Moss

Active Dreaming: Journeying Beyond Self-Limitation to a Life of Wild Freedom by Robert Moss

Books can be found: https://bookshop.org/shop/Victoriashawintuitive

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Jan 21 to Feb 25th: 6 week Intensive Intuition Development Course with Victoria Book Now
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