EP 54: Happy Anniversary Intuitive Connection!

Mar 24, 2021

This week we are celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Intuitive Connection Podcast!  I am so grateful to all of our listeners and guests and I am excited to continue this journey with you.  In this episode, we explore how the podcast came to be, and how creating the podcast is just one of the many gifts I have received through following my inner guidance. 

  • Like many things in my life, the decision to launch the podcast was 100 percent intuitively guided.  I originally planned to start writing a book, but my guides had another plan.  The truth is, podcasts were not on my radar at all! 
  • I took a weekend off by the beach, to start writing.  When nothing was flowing on paper, I was guided to walk on the beach with a voice recorder. I assumed that I would transcribe my notes later.  But when I went to write again and nothing was happening, I realized I was being called to share by speaking, and the idea of the podcast was born.
  • I set out to learn basic things about equipment and began to record episodes.  So many topics easily began to flow.  It was so easy and joyful!  I find this is often the case when I follow my intuition. 
  • I was taking a class with Tosha Silver and she suggested the March new moon was a great time to start new projects, so I launched episode one on that date.  I had no idea my launch date would coincide with the beginning of quarantine in the US, or that both myself and many of my listeners would be stuck at home listening. 
  • My intention is to as you listen to the episodes, you become more in touch with the wisdom, energy, light, and magnificence of your soul.  Of course, the words are important, but it’s an inner experience that truly matters.  I hope these episodes have inspired you as much as they inspire me! 
  • The podcast has truly been a joy to create.  I have been able to share my guidance and connect with people all over the world through our audience as well as the amazing guests I have had the opportunity to interview. I am so grateful to all our listeners and guests.

Want to learn more about my work, or suggest a topic for a future episode? Go here:


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Are you ready to leverage the power of your inner wisdom?

Check out, my self-paced, online course, Activating Your Intuition:


You can also connect with me on Instagram and Clubhouse


On Clubhouse: @victoriashaw

September 26 to 29: Awaken Your Intuition at Cactus Blossom Retreat Book Now
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