EP 52: Talking Ascension with Tabytha Polaris

Mar 10, 2021

Joining us on the podcast is a very special guest, Tabytha Polaris.  Tabytha is a singing light warrior who creates high frequency music and channeled meditations, a Reiki Master, intuitive empathic energy healer, and so much more. Together we explore intuition, being empathic, the creative process, and the exciting transformation happening on our planet right now. 

  • Tabytha shares about how she experiences her intuition.  As a child, she was sensitive and could feel what everyone else was feeling.  She thought someone was wrong with her.  It wasn’t until later in life when she understood that her empathy was an intuitive gift, one of the first of many that developed as she opened herself up to them. (1:42)
  • Tabytha shares that while growing up, whatever she needed on her spiritual path would just appear, like an oracles deck, a yoga class, a metaphysical tool, or an energy healer. (5:00)
  • We discuss our experiences as empaths at the height of the pandemic, and some of the things that we have learned about ourselves and our lives through that experience.
  • Tabytha shares her creative process and how she receives ideas. When the world slowed down, she was able to create and bring her ideas to life.  She ended up channeling a meditation album to balance the chakras. (15:00)
  • Tabytha shares how she followed her intuition and having to get out of self doubt, letting go of control, and collaborating with others in order to bring these healing mediations to the world. (19:31)
  • Tabytha leaves us with the idea to just keep breathing, follow your joy, and trust the universe. (30:00)

Find out more from Tabytha here: https://tabythapolaris.com/

The Tabytha Polaris Show Podcast: https://tabythapolaris.com/pages/listen

Tabytha’s Music: https://tabythapolaris.com/collections/digital-music

Meditations by Tabytha: https://tabythapolaris.com/collections/digital-meditations

Jan 21 to Feb 25th: 6 week Intensive Intuition Development Course with Victoria Book Now
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