EP 28: Are You Spiritual?

Sep 15, 2020

We often hear people using the term “spiritual person” to describe someone who is committed to pursuing their own spiritual development.  In this episode, we explore what it really means to be spiritual and how that label of “spiritual” can come more from the ego than from true spiritual awareness.  We also discuss ways to connect most authentically to spiritual teachings.  

  • The term “spiritual person” is really a misnomer, because at our core we all spiritual beings in human form.  Being interested in spiritual topics and teachings does make you more spiritual than anybody else. [1:10]
  • The first stage of awakening is recognizing that you are more than your human personality. Often times, this burgeoning awareness can lead to an interest in spiritual teachings, but this is not always the case. [2:30]
  • Sometimes we are drawn to spiritual teachings because our soul intuitively knows we need this information to support our learning and growth.  However, this does not always mean that we have reached the level of awareness where we can truly apprehend and appreciate these teachings.  It is possible to be attracted to something and still approach it from a place of ego. [4:05]
  • All spiritual teachings must be filtered, to some degree, through the lens of our conceptual minds.  Yet, our minds can never fully capture the deeper spiritual truths, and therefore our understanding of our true spiritual nature will always be limited, and subject to egoic interference. [3:35]
  • The best way to approach spiritual teachings is with a soft mind. Allow yourself to notice where your attention is drawn and what resonates with your entire being, rather than trying to compare, contrast, and pin down all the minute details.  [8:57]
  • When you have a true spiritual awakening or a spiritual experience, it’s not something that you can explain. It’s not something you can force. It’s not something you can do. It’s something that simply arises. The more that we can treat spiritual teachings (and life itself) from that place of not knowing, the more we will move towards our own spiritual enlightenment. [15:45]

Resources & Links:

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Check out, my self-paced, online course, Activating Your Intuition: https://victoriashawintuitive.com/courses/activating-your-intuition/

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