EP 23: Are you “awake?” The Truth About Spiritual Enlightenment

Aug 11, 2020

In this episode, we tackle the topic of spiritual awakening and what it means to be spiritually “awake.”  So often in spiritual literature, a concept emerges that quickly becomes fodder for our egoic minds, and the notion of spiritual awakening is no exception.  This episode explores what it means to awaken as a spirit in physical form, and how we can discern between what is true inspiration from more egoic interpretations of spiritual awakening.  

Some Key Points: 

  • The experience of awakening is unique to each of us.  When listening to this episode (and all spiritual teachings), it is important to listen with a soft mind and allow your intuition to guide you towards the information that most resonates with you.  Your “truth” is always for you alone. [2:14] 
  • The term “awake” can be used in a judgmental way to distinguish between those we think are more spiritually worthy than those who are not.  However, we are all inherently worthy, and our worth has absolutely nothing to do with where we are on our personal and spiritual path. [10:45]
  • As we move forward on our awakening path, it is normal and natural to want to surround ourselves as much as possible with others who are at the same or higher level of spiritual development.  But that doesn’t mean that people who are at a different level are lesser than or wrong; it just means they are at a different place. And because there is always, at the deepest level, perfect synchronicity, everyone is exactly where they need to be. [4:44]
  • Most people are not aware that they are more than their human personality.  The first step in awakening is becoming aware of your true spiritual nature.  Once we recognize, even just intellectually, that we are spirits in physical form, we pave the way to release the holds of the ego and align more with our higher selves and deeper process of life. [1:10] 
  • Awakening is a path or a process and not necessarily a discrete event.  No two souls are alike, and so the process of awakening will be different for each of us.  Some spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie, talk about having profound moments where they awake.  But it does not always happen this way.  And we often experience multiple levels of awakening. [7:05]
  • The “dark night of the soul” is when things in our outer lives break down, to point us back to our own inner magnificence.  In these instances, crisis becomes an opportunity to bring in a greater level of spiritual awareness.  As we awaken, we begin to recognize that life is happening for us, not to us and that the crises in the outside world are merely opportunities for growth. [10:45] 
  • The path to awakening means that we experience our own divine nature, more and more, while in physical form.  It means that we appreciate and connect with the deeper flow of life and identify less with our human personality and more with our true spiritual selves. [1:30]

Resources & Links:

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