EP 180: Finding My Purpose: A Reading with Avril

Sep 26, 2023

In this episode, our guest Avril joins us for an intuitive reading and is seeking guidance on the next steps towards finding her life’s purpose.  Avril learns from the guides that life doesn’t have to be so serious and that the most direct path towards your purpose is to follow your joy. The guides also share the importance of healing and loving your inner child in order to hear the whispers of your soul’s guidance with greater ease and clarity.  This episode will resonate with any and all spiritual seekers who are ready to live more soul-guided lives.

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Are you ready to take the next steps in awakening your intuition?  Please enjoy and download a copy of my Free Activate Your Intuition Ebook: https://victoriashawintuitive.com/free-e-book/

If you would like to take a deeper dive into leveraging the power of your intuition, please check out my self-paced, online course, Activating Your Intuition at: