EP 169: How Can I Listen More Deeply to My Spirit Guides?:  A Reading with Heather

Jul 10, 2023

So, you ask your spirit guides for a sign, and you get it…big time.  Now what do you do?  In this episode, our guest Heather asked her guides to show her the next steps in her career and got the strong message that it was time to take a big leap.  The only problem is she’s not sure that she’s ready to follow their guidance.  Tune in as the guides support Heather in learning to listen more deeply to her own spirit guides and trust herself more in navigating this life changing decision.  

Key Takeaways:

– Sometimes our spiritual guidance feels so natural to us, that we don’t even recognize it as guidance.  A big part of developing your intuition is discovering how it is already working for you. 

– Our intuition does not always give us the entire answer at once, so we must be content to follow the breadcrumbs.

-We have free will to choose and create our lives as we see fit.  Our guides cannot give you information about a future that you haven’t created yet! 

– Fear can block us from hearing our intuitive guidance and/or following those intuitive nudges.  It’s important to remember that you always have free will, and can go at the pace that is most comfortable for you. 

– Intuition is receptive and cannot be forced.  Ask a question, let it go, and wait to receive it.  

Listen to previous episodes about Spirit Guides on the Intuitive Connection Podcast here:

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Awaken the magic in you and experience a one-of-a-kind in-person retreat experience at Cactus Blossom Retreat in Escondido, California: https://cactusblossomretreat.com

Did you know I offer intuitive readings and coaching sessions to clients all over the world?   You can book your session here:  https://app.paperbell.com/checkout/packages?provider_id=13555

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Are you ready to take the next steps in awakening your intuition?  Please enjoy and download a copy of my Free Activate Your Intuition Ebook: https://victoriashawintuitive.com/free-e-book/

If you would like to take a deeper dive into leveraging the power of your intuition, please check out my self-paced, online course, Activating Your Intuition at:


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