EP 125: Bypassing Analysis Paralysis

Aug 23, 2022

In this week’s episode of the Intuitive Connection Podcast, Bypassing Analysis Paralysis, I share my personal experiences with overthinking and some guidance on how to avoid Analysis Paralysis when making decisions. Often, we make decisions based on what we think we “should” do, and not what truly brings us joy and aligns with our soul’s intent. Our “shoulds” come from the mind, and what we have been taught is “right” or “wrong,” “good” and “bad.”  Intuition comes from the soul and will always guide you towards the most aligned choice in the present moment. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • The best decisions are always intuitively guided.  Analysis paralysis occurs when the mind takes over and we lose touch with our inner wisdom. 
  • When making a decision, ask yourself what place you’re making the decision from. Is it from your heart, soul, joy, trust and intuition? Or from the junk of your mind, fear, and scarcity? 
  • Tune into your intuition, learn what feels good, and follow that!
  • When making decisions there is not always one single best option. Sometimes the choice is between many equally worthwhile options, and even our “mistakes” are valuable opportunities for exploration and growth. 
  • The more we follow our joy in every choice that we make, the more our choices will guide us towards even more joyful experiences.  
  • Our childhood conditioning can impact how we experience decision-making as an adult. Becoming aware of this conditioning is the first step towards releasing these old patterns. 
  • Few decisions are truly as high stakes as our minds might lead us to believe.  And  even if you do make a decision that leads you down a perilous path, each moment presents an opportunity to make a new choice.

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Are you ready to take the next steps in awakening your intuition?  Please enjoy and download a copy of my Free Activate Your Intuition Ebook: https://victoriashawintuitive.com/free-e-book/

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